Sunday 5 March 2017

Lovely rain at the moment

Here is Sydney we are getting a lovely drenching of much needed rain. Summer has been brutally hot for all of the state. Actually all of Australia this summer
We have family out at Enngonia north west of Bourke and the average temp for 2 months has been around the 40 degree mark . Oh PHEW SO   HOT!!!!

I have structured my work this year to have the first week off Monday to Friday to really get my head down and tail up to do some stitching, new work.
Wonderful to have a full 5 days to sew and write patterns/ books. Keep posted for lots of new work this year.

Exciting News for me

I am writing books now based on my most popular quilts . Yes full SKILL BUILDING BOOKS self publishing.... Step by step instructions and photos to piece, applique and Machine quilt every project.

Not just pretty pictures but real how do I use my sewing machine correctly and how do I domestic machine quilt this quilt as well. Perspex templates a 5 piece package are made to accompany the books. The hearts and Lollipops book is 73 pages of fantastic information with a 5 piece set of templates . Even if you don't wish to make the quilt the books are jammed packed with practical information .

if you would like a copy now before the web site is ready contact me on


I'm very proud of the two that I have published so far

Glamorous Clams

Hearts and Lollipops

The brand  sparkling new web site will be loaded by May 2017...  with my 2 first on-line machine quilting classes and books ....Yippee. STAY TUNED ....

I have enlisted Brenda Gail smith to make this site for me

Check Brenda's  web site and perhaps enlist for her newsletter , she is a talented Quilt Artist with lots to share, exhibitions, and all things quilt related.

Gee it was lovely to get back into classes again and see my quilting friends and new students. Welcome everyone . I look forward to a wonderful creative year ahead.  February classes have just finished and now into the march round.
It seems that December and January is a family, holiday time for most quilters. They have come back to class in February full of enthusiasm  and eager to get back into stitching. Welcome back everyone.

I have been busy in the holidays revamping my Daisy Path quilt. This is the original quilt  made in 2011. I made it for a Blind hem and Raw edge free motion class that I travelled extensively with. Daisy Paths was very popular and the was quilt remade over again by students. Having the opportunity to re design the quilt for others I wanted a new version too. The large quilt will be in Sydney Quilt NSW June show so I cant show that at the moment but I can show the accompanying cushion and runner.

Oh Okay just a snippet look:

Daisy Path cushion 

The cushion is blind hem appliqued and Sketch free motion applique for the flowers and is 36 inches square

and of course the back is quilted with daisy's.....

Daisy Path Runner

A lovely bed or table runner measuring 16 wide x 66 inches long.

The paths have been decorative stitched  raw edge appliqued with and the flowers Sketch appliqued.


A closer look

I am currently writing the book for all three projects now,. There is a 6 piece template set to accompany the book. Will be available soon.

Quilt Watch !!!!

Some students terrific work for February. Beautiful bright free form triangle work, hearts and lollipops  clam shells, applique and tumbler quilts. Love them all....

 Bye for now

Post again soon

Happy Quilting

X Deb


Lee B said...

Hi Deb
Very exciting to see you're publishing your great knowledge. Ill look forward to obtaining some in the near future. Your work as always is inspiring. Thank you

Deborah Louie said...

Thank you Lee Lots happening. Moving forward.