Tuesday 9 March 2010



It was a new year promise to do more of this but what can I say !!!!!

I filmed a new DVD fpr quilters companion mag in january.

Its called an introduction to free motion quilting. Availabe in may 2010.

Scary stuff ,it was after a while, the voice settled and the fingers stopped shaking and I got on with it all.

The block of the month the mag is having is a beautiful quilt which will be auctioned for cystic fybrosis and after Michelle Marvig pieced it together I quilted it . Well that took 4 days. ( getting slower these days) i will post a picture after mag is out. ( cant spoil the surprise and legially I cant show it ) I made a small verrsion of the quilt where I free motion appliqued the centre block and quilted it . So its that second quilt that I am quilting on the DVD. Hope you enjoy it and I dont look too bad. Nice though to have hair and make up dome by a pro. Clare the editor makes you feel so relaxed.

And in December 2009 i rewrote all my class notes and have had them all printed up. So I was very productive in the holidays.

Then I set about starting this years show quilt.

Claire is 18 this june so I asked her what quilt she would like to mark the special birthday and she chose a vingae rose of sharon quilt. I have machine blanket stitched it colour on colour and then trapunto quilted in vintage designs. It took 3 days to mark and cut out the trapunto and so far a week to quilt it. Fingers crossed it turns out lovely for her. Its very classic. picture of it on the floor pinnedready to quilt.

Ill post another photo after its all done.


Adele said...

I am dying to see the quilters companion DVD in may!! How exciting.

Anna said...

Can't wait for the new DVD. I am new to machine quilting and I bought the previous DVD and found that it provided an excellent grounding to stitch in the ditch.
In fact it gave more information than the "machine quilting" class I had enrolled in. The tutor there thought stitch in the ditch was too hard.
So well done and I will look out for your classes in Melbourne.