Monday 9 August 2010

Melbourne Quilters Guild Visit

Just back from the weekend in Melbourne on the invite of the Quilters Guild of Victoria. I flew down saturady morning and was driven to Box Hill Town Hall. Beautiful building very grand indeed. I was welcomed by Fan Williams (President )and Mary (commitee) with hugs and wide smiles. This made me relax straight away.

Quick fix of the face and then off on stage to deliver my speech on " MY JOURNEY". I had 23 quilts with me starting from the very first quilt 20 years ago. Full of pleats puckers imperfections but as I said to the audience this is the start of an amazing journey.
I took them through my background of Dads factory, tafe and work life at Boowalla, then on to 3 quilts borrowed by Katrina Hadjimichael to represent the 500 that I have quilted over 5 or so years.
Showed the 18 teaching and show quilts right up to the very latest .
I had a great responce ... Thank you all so much I was quite aprehensive and scared thinking about it all before, but on the day I relaxed and actually enjoyed myself.
Fan Willians now EX president and partner John were wonderful hosts to a glass or 3 of wine and lovely dinner.
Next day off to the local masonic lodge and in the main meeting room had a free motion class. Very starnge teaching surrounded by all kinds of symbollic furniture , tiles , lights and the G hanging from the ceiling!!! That was a first. All students did really well and Ive made more new friends.


John'aLee said...

Your 'quilting' is stunning! I punched on to your picture and I guess it took me to your website. Wow are amazing! so glad you've started a blog. You have a gift for writing too! Hope to meet you some day on the show circuit!
Until then...happy quilting!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see more pics of your work.
I like the UFO posted on 08/03/10.
Absolutely stunning.