Tuesday 21 August 2012

A new free motion quilting sample quilt

I have had a few days at home lately which has been wonderful and I wanted to make this quilt for a while now. A simple tumbler block quilt with many free motion quilting design on it as possible
Actually they are the mostly the designs that I teach on my first free motion class with students.
I had lots of black and whites left overs team this with limes and there you have a strong simple effective quilt.
I always leave plain fabric in my quilts where I can play ..
Hope you enjoy seeing some of my quilting and if I can do it so can YOU!!!!!!!!
Come to class soon well have fun.......
full view quilt on my deck

One border

Ms , tear drops, spiral baptist fans jumbled up loose and relaxed

Flowers and tendrils

Curved boxes and trailing spiral

Geometric abstracted meander

Pebbles and cranky triangles.


SewCalGal said...

Fun FMQ Designs. I'd definitely love to take a class with you someday.


Gail said...

I like your style of FMQ! playful and always something new and different for your eye to travel to!

Lee B said...

This looks great Deb!!

Anonymous said...

I really like the flowers & tendrils. I am going to attempt this on one of my upcoming quilts!