Friday, 14 February 2014

Kings parks sucesses

Today was first class back at Hobby Sew kings park for the once a month class. New ladies Sue and Robbie WELCOME looking forward to having a great time working  together. 
The rest , returnees so good to see you all again. 

Well Ali has finished her beautiful quilt.
Ali wanted to do the strip dresdon plate quilt with appliqué and this is the final result. All dresdons and appliqué have been blind hem appliqué technique. All with perfection I might add.! 

How wonderful is Ali's quilting. All on her 820 bernina . Feathers in a darker pink than the background for maximum Impact. So beautifully quilted. I'm so thrilled for you Ali.. Congratulations .

Jenny is conquering her own version of the strip dresdon as well. Jenny had lots of Bali fabrics just sitting in her sewing room and now just a small amount have been used and HOW they have been used. Jenny really trusted me here,  she wasn't sure but now she's loving the whole process and the quilt. The plates have been blind hem appliquéd and the flowers and leaves will be free motion appliquéd. There are more leaves to be applied and 4 borders with vines, leaves and flowers. Yep a lot of work but how wonderful ..

And June is making her own version of my daisy and drunk ends path quilt .
Petals cut out and here we go .....
Love the colours June it is going to be exciting. More progress in a few months. Terrific June . 

Here is Leanne's Baltimore. Leanne has worked hard over the holidays to get 2 borders prepped and now stitching.the colours are so feminine and fresh. The stitching is Devine so careful and patient.
It so pretty the green peeper works beautifully. 

Well thank you ladies I loved the day. I'm really excited about the year ahead .
Thanks for listening
Happy quilting 
X Deb 

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