Tuesday, 17 April 2018


Welcome back to my blog.
 April 17th 2018 

My new books are being very well received. I am so very proud of the information that I have shared. My mind is running wildly with more much more information, designs and techniques I would love to share with you. As the books take time to write , edit and photograph as well as a busy teaching schedule the aim is up to 4 or so more to print for 2018. Each book is personally signed and packaged by me. A small boutique side of my business that I hope you enjoy.  Some of my books are face to face workshops as well, giving the whole learning experience. While  some are exclusively taught at my once a month Sydney and Surrounding areas skill building mentoring classes. If you are intrested in this style of teaching please see my Teaching Schedule  on my web site Deborah Louie web site   For locations .

 This book is George and Georgie. A heirloom free motion quilted clam shell quilt.

This book is A Christmas Decorative Stitch Lotus 

This book is Quilting between the Lines
A wonderful book for free motion quilters both new and experienced to learn new skills while using a pounced chalk grid on their fabric . The grids which are 1/2 inch , 1 inch and a diamond grid and are included with the book.  This is a one day class that I taught just the other week at AQC Melbourne for the first time and was a huge success. The ladies did an amazing job of free quilting inside the grids and they all LOVED it . Photos of some of the work stitched in classes recently. Book with stencils available on the web site now 

AQC is a fabulous opportunity for quilters, tutors, retailers and the industry to have a sensational 4 days together . I have taught at AQC I think this was my 5th time. It is always a honour to be asked by Expertise events , Judy Newman and Garry , and they run a wonderful event. The emphasise is on having a wonderful experience, fun!!!! 
How can you not with a cocktail party to greet us, lectures by international tutors, a gala dinner which rages till late in the evening, the best of quilts from australia, wonderful quilt exhibitions. All in all a sensational time. 
Held at the iconic and beautiful  The Exhibition Building in Melbourne picture below , what a greeting hey....

Inside where the vendors were having a wonderful time lots of happy customers.

My class room all ready for me with the beautiful new Bernina 535 sewing machine , 21 of them all ready for action. And boy did we have fun on them.

My demonstrating Bernina with a my teachers gift from Bernina. The most beautiful hand carved treasure chest, I am so touched by my gift.  I love it .
Thank you Bernina  xxxx 

The first 2 days I had a wonderful class of 21 ladies doing Daisy Paths and see below the wall of wonderful daisy path cushions. It was such a terrific , really wonderful 2 days of teaching. Thank you ladies I can honestly say it was one of the best teaching experiences I have had. You were all AWSOME.....   

Below is myself and the lovely Bree from Bernina. All the Bernina ladies had these costumes on for the duration of the 4 days and looked so cute. As Bernina are celebrating 125 years in business this year. What an amazing feat. There will be more celebration news about this soon.

Close up of a few daisy paths cushions under way.

Daisy Paths Cushion and runner book is available on the web site 

  The tutors had an exhibition. Here is my two efforts. Daisy paths Quilt and Shattered Squares. 

The Exhibitions of quilts were spectacular.  Caroline Sullivan I have known for all of my quilting career, I regard her as one of my early mentors. Caroline stitches the most stunning embroidered contemporary quilts which are so textural, strong and emotive. Very special work. Photos below. 

So many quilts to show you here is just a snap shot of a few .

That’s all for today , chat again soon. 
Happy Quilting
X Deb 

1 comment:

Barbara Waters said...

Hi Deborah - I attended your class at NZ Quilt Festival in October last year. Wow! What a difference it has made to my sewing - needles have become much more important as has the right thread. I now have much less trouble with my machine (I'm a Janome girl) and the confidence to tackle more difficult projects. Thank you!