The cute social media buttons we were given to share on social media are a hit and the perfect way to share this event.
One of the highlights for me is the set up day on the Tuesday. To head on into the city on a bitterly cold winters day, and see the massive hall empty, then about 60 volunteers with their flouro safety vests on, work together as a team to erect the quilt stands, the dividers, the stage area, the prize area, the groups areas etc is fabulous. I love it ... It’s a big day but so much fun. I really enjoy chatting to different members as I rarely get a chance to go to the meetings.
I get asked why cant all of one category be grouped together? Instead of all over . Well its because the quilts are of different sizes. Not all appliqué quilts are one size. The quilts are hung in size as an example, so all the 150 cm wide quilts are grouped together. This is because of the frame system and continuity . All super large quilts are together on super large frames as the next photo below shows.
The stage area and my “shattered squares “ quilt had a terrific spot .
Boards are up , quilts hanging looking smart and beautiful
I have the pleasure to work with our President Megan Manwarring to hang the BEST OF AUSTRALIA, and BEST OF STATES 2017 quilts.
White gloves on for these spectacular work. We endeavour to get the very best position to showcase the magnificent award winners. Below is Best of NSW on the left and Best of Australia 2017.
Shattered Squares is the quilt and I will share my next blog post about this unexpected , run by the seat of my pants style of quilt making .....
To top off a perfect day I was awarded by Quilt NSW 20 years Certificate of Recognition. 20 years of exhibiting quilts... cool hey. Wonder if I could get to 40 years? I have been a member since 1992 and exhibited most years. I love being part of the excitement part of a community of like minded people who adore making quilts. There is so much opportunity to be a part of QuiltNSW if you are after some volunteer work , there would be a place for 
You in the guild I’m sure. Contact the guild office for details.
As a small business owner it was my pleasure to sponsor a small category 2nd Prize appliqué amateur. Lyall Willis was the winner . Her quilt “Flower Garden and Critters was fabulous , so well deserved. So much detail in her decorative stitching... very creative and inspiring.. Congratulations Lyall it was a pleasure to meet you. Keep up the fabulous stitching.
As a tutor I have the honour to mentor and guide some wonderfully talented quilters month by month. This year 3 students had quilts on display. I am so thrilled for you all, your quilts looked amazing hanging . Congratulations and wasn’t it fun to be part of the show.
Kylie Biddle and her version of my Spring floral Garden Baltimore. This quilt is stunning... well done Kylie..
Kylie is a full time teacher and mum but still makes time to work on her art. Kylie chose to sketch appliqué colour on colour her raw fused edges which gives the quilt a young fresh modern touch. AND Kylie domestic machine quilted this quilt herself. YAHH 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 The quilt was ditched in all of the appliqué first then a small echo based design in the background to pop out the flowers. The hero fabric was a sweet print where Kylie used this fabric for the sashing as well. Love it Kylie and Congratulations. Xx Proud of you....
Gail Sadleir worked really hard , very dedicated to make her original design “Hexie Delight”, wow so strong, graphic . Each hexagon was raw edge fussy cut decorative stitched into a diamond shape then appliqué on to the background fabric. Gail used many many decorative stitches on her sewing machine so beautifully. Gail free motion quilted the background navy with free flowing feathers so well. Congratulations Gail, it was so much fun working with you on this quilt, Thank you for trusting your instincts and let the quilt have its say on what to do next . Well done . X
Fiona Mcdonald also had a quilt hanging. I’m sorry Fiona I didn’t get a photo of your label to show the name etc.. My apologies. Your quilt looks wonderful. The colour pallet we chose together I think works so well. Your use of the decorative stitches and the way you have applied them on the flowers is perfect. This is not an easy quilt to make , many hours on the machine experimenting with stitches, threads , colours , free motion quilting etc and you have done a might great job. Congratulations .. x
A few of my favourite quilts now from the show. The quilt makers details are on the following photo. Enjoy. For more photos of the show please visit
All hand stitched beautifully.
Catherine Butterworth is the maker here WOW ... what a quilt so clever
My friend Katrina Hadjimichael and her latest in the Jane Austin series.. delightful
Caroline Sullivan and her work is a favourite of mine and my sisters. We had a lovely chat to Caroline , the texture Caroline gets with her hand stitching with her hand dyed fabrics . Ah. Perfect !!!!
These quilts by Anna Brown were stunning so clever. Lovely to meet you Anna. Loved your work.
My mate Michelle Marvig and her wonderful piecing, looks sensational. Love this quilt.....
I did have the most fabulous day and to share it with my Sister Doreen and wonderful quilting friends ( you know who you) was very special indeed.
Thank you.xx
The Quilt NSW committee, Show Committee and volunteers all worked hard to put a wonderful quilt show. I sincerly would like to thank everyone who helped make the show the sucess it was. THANK YOU...
My latest book. Quilting Between the Lines is a hit, everyone loves the 3 grid stencils, makes free motion quilting so much easier.
Please visit my web site more skill building books , on line machine quilting classes and teaching schedule
Happy Quilting
Till next time
X Deb
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