Thursday, 30 January 2025

Gee its been a long time .....

 As my heading says ... Gee Its been a long time... 

Happy New Year.... 2025 

May it be a peaceful , creative year for us all.

 Funny , it as we get older the less drama in our lives the better.... nothing I like more than have a busy morning and then the afternoon to sit in my small but beautiful studio and sew. I always have either a podcast to listen to or a movie to watch while stitching.

It is summer here in Australia and the summer holidays are just about finished for our school children and also for me. Back to classes. I have a full year booked out. If you are interested in a class with me please look at my teaching schedule tab on the web site for a class hopefully near you.

2025 will be my last really full time teaching year. 2026 I will be having my classes online, and a light teaching schedule. Retreats, weekend gigs that sort of thing. No more once a month skill building classes.  I have been teaching for 26 years travelling all over teaching and time to spend at home a little more now. I have 2 beautiful granddaughters to cuddle and lots of new work for me to explore. My creative soul needs feeding and time to do more contemporary quilt making. Explore fabric painting. fabric manipulation , just see where it all goes..... You never know I may be a student in a class sitting next to you one day. Learn new things ....Wonderful.....

Well its been a while  since I wrote here in my blog. I thought they ( blog postings) were not in fashion any more, not the done thing. I hear they are back and you know Ill give this a go. Please let me know what you think, do you like to read blogs anymore??? 

2024 was a big year for me teaching all over the place. If you were in one of my classes I thank you.

I am working on a big applique quilt. Actually a book and pattern sheets hopefully by the second half of this year. Its big...... A new version of my Floral Garden Applique ( black based quilt below) made over 12+ years ago. It is very popular with my once a month skill building classes but I didn't write a book. I was not writing pattern books back then.

I am photographing each step of the process working out how many of each individual flower is needed etc. All stitching is done with 12 wt Wonderfil Spagetti thread. This gives a beautiful texture to the applique. Stitching  is on my BERNINA machine with a blanket stitch and a few decorative stitches in key flowers. The book will have stitching details for other brands of machines. All techniques step by step explained and photographed so easy to follow along.

These are the border corner blocks 16 inch sqaure, yep very large applique borders. 

The 16 blocks with sashings 

Multiple flowers made at the same time. 

Many of the flowers I have designed are from Miss Molly flower garden quilt. The book and project has been so popular and I loved making it .So I drew from that sweet , fresh quilt and made it more elaborate . 
The next step is the applique 16 inch wide border. Yep lots of time  just of drawing, cutting out the shapes even before stitching.
I get asked do you use a scan and cut machine?  No I don't. I actually adore this process. I find it mindful and very relaxing. Choosing the different colour combinations and hand cutting each shape.

Do you know about these fantastic applique pressing mats from Matildas Own. I love mine. Ask  patchwork shop to get some in.

All of the applique shapes are cut out and pressed to this mat with the pattern underneath. Once the pattern is completed you take a pin and slide it under the outer edges of the applique and lift it off the mat and placed onto your background fabric .   The mat is a little heavier than others and the line markings go up to 18 inches square, circle, and diagonal lines to keep your design balanced.  Perfect for me .... 

If your new to machine applique and would like the learn how to get a professional look, may I suggest you purchase my Machine Applique 4 Ways book. This is a techniques book. A machine applique reference and some call it their bible of sorts. There are no projects just techniques for blankets stitch , decorative stitch, free motion stitch, and blind hem applique. 
Link to this book here Machine Applique 4 Ways book

Anyway back to my machine , stitching flowers lots to go....

Happy stitching 
X Deb and Miss Molly 

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Holidays must come to an end sometime.......

 It's February 2023. 

School is back after a long break of 6-8 weeks, all those sweet kindy children wide eyed with excitement and nerves are starting school for the first time. My beautiful great Nephew started school this year and boy has time flown by. This is my Great Nephew on the cover of George and Georgie when he was only a few precious weeks old. 

A heirloom baby quilt with turned appliqué clam shell's with beautiful free motion quilting. My skill building book "George and Georgie " walks you overstep of the way. 

Starting new at something is always scary, and lots of feelings are running so swiftly in the soul and tummy. Be brave and you will be okay. We all need encouraging words at times. 
Be brave, be better than yesterday is a quote I heard today from my hero Oprah Winfrey. I will try.....

For me starting new work is always a little scary, trying to come up with new and original work is frightening but exhilerating to me. To be unique and true to my talents is always my goal, Not to look at what others are doing and be true to myself. Run my own race. Hard but I try to endeavour.

I really have done everything in the month of January to avoid this starting gate situation. Im fine once I get going, but to walk though the starting point is daunting. Did I say avoid , well yes, Ive cleaned cupboards, gardened up a storm, been swimming in the pool and lounging around long enough. Sound familiar? Im sure you don't ? Do You?

So I bit the bullet,. My favourite saying when Im in this mood is JUST DO IT !!!! Get on with it Deborah.
I have.... I gather fabrics and start drawing usually. But this time something just was falling into my hands. Books found after cleaning my book shelf, photos from the visit to the Daughters of the Revolution museum in Washington in 2019 were popping up. Gifts from family and a very special lifetime friend were given to me. All with this running style and techniques. I get the hint!!!!

So I have the inspiration to move forward. Usually I'm in a great panic to finish a new project by February. The start of classes but this deserves my time. So my students will come along with my journey over the next year or so into this revival of a old hand stitching technique that Im taking to the machine...
Wish me luck I will need it .

I will show results of so far efforts after the first round of once a month classes. I love to show these very dedicated special to me quilters the first of anything new. Quite often some love to come along and jump right into my new work. They are my guiding angels, ironing out the bumps of notes and techniques so to speak, which I am very grateful for. These once a month classes are wonderful for them to develop machine skills and also for me where very special relationships have developed over the years. True friendships. 

So I go forth and stitch....

Classes to attend 

Once a month classes are full at My Sewing Supplies Sylvania, Hobby Sew Figtree, Hobby Sew Kings Park, Berry Quilt and co.

Sew Can I at Werrington have a spot or 2 if you are interested . Please contact Karen.

Im travelling a lot this year again, which I am very grateful for the invitations. 

Orange Hobby Sew is my first Weeknd away 11-12 February . 2 day Glamorous Clams workshop

A fabulous time will be had at Wacky Jacky's retreat in Brisbane. Im teaching Machine Magic for a week. There are spots available. Want a week away with your quilting friends? 6-12 March 2023.
Contact Jacky by email on

Canberra Quilters 1-2 April Glamorous Clams 2 day workshop

ACQ in Melbourne 13-16 April

New Zealand in May. Bernina Tauranga I am teaching 3 x 2 day workshops 9-14 th May
Second week teaching in New Zealand is being finalised now. 

Bundaberg Quilters 30 May - 2 June, 2 x 2 day workshops of Machine Magic.

Thorpe and Co I have a 2 day workshop 17-18 th June.

So that's the first half of the year's special workshops.

I would love to see you in class this year of possible.

So let's all be brave, lean forward and venture into new techniques on these fabulous sewing machines we have . Let me guide you, let me help you get the most out of your sewing machine and Machine Applique and quilt those quilts of yours...

Thank you for listening and take care 

Happy Quilting 
X Deb and Miss Molly


Thursday, 12 January 2023

A new year full of promise.....

 It's January the 12 th 2023 and I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year.

May all of your wishes come true.

Im sure we all wish for a healthy year ahead. No more awful viruses, lockdowns, isolation etc... 

Enough of that, I really want to look forward, have a joyous year. A year of appreciation, a year of achieving some goals I have set myself. A year of positive thoughts and actions. A year of happy stitching.

I have a beautiful Granddaughter just turned 1 year old and I now know the joy of making and stitching for her. For her first birthday I made her a quilt of course. My Eye Spy Bubbles of Fun pattern.

Here she is enjoying seeing it for the first time. ( keeping her face out of the picture for privacy ). This is the cutest pattern and the kids love exploring the different eye spy fabrics. A little bit different from the standard eye spy quilt  using blind hem appliqué. The patterns has everything you need to know to make the quilt even down to quilting and binding for any brand of machine.

A link here to the book

Bought myself an overlocker ,a BERNINA 450 actually.  This  4 cone overlocker is fast and sews beautifully. I had one years ago when I had my other life before quilting. Making everything I wore. Imagine that !!! All clothing except my bras. Like many of you that was the done thing back in the day. Remember Just Knits or Knit whit. A complete one stop shop to learn to make knitted garments like trackies, swimmers, underwear , t-shirts. The overlocker was an essential and I loved it... 

So Im getting back into dress making a little,  made some shopping bags, some dresses just enjoying a little bit of different machine stitching.  Are you enjoying your stitching too at the moment.  Change is good.

January is a month of making new work for the next few years ahead for me. I am working on an old traditional hand stitched technique that I want to modernise on the sewing machine. More later not sure as yet if it will work well. 

I usually go into this big panic to make new work, but I have realised I have a huge body of workshops and techniques to share that I have developed over the last 23 years teaching. So I am relaxing the pressure this year and making new work slowly and enjoying it. (trying to get wiser in my older age ha ha)

I am working on a BERNINA 970 Plus sewing machine that is on loan from BERNINA Australia for a month or so. I will be posting on my Deborah louie Tutor Facebook and Instagram page short videos of features of the BERNINA machines. If you're interested keep an eye out for them.

Every year I promise to write more on my blog and this year I'll try again to stay more in touch here on this blog,  other than on Facebook/ Insta. Those are fast instant posts but here I can chat more. Pleas let me know if you're interested to hear from me here. Good to have some feed back . Actually let's chat here . If you have questions about your machine any brand of machine, I can answer them here if I know the answer if not Ill find out for you.. That would be fun. 

So I'll say Happy New Year again to you and to your loved ones. Take care and happy stitching.

By the way Miss Molly is doing well and loving life.... Here with her big Cousin down the beach. 

Happy Stitching  

X Deb 

Wednesday, 13 July 2022


 So happy to share that my book Machine Magic is finally back in stock on my web site. Yah!!!! 

The first delivery sold out in days and I am so grateful to the wonderful comments and response to the book.

I am thrilled with the content, how beautiful it looks and basically everything about this book.

I sign every copy with a personal message for you to enjoy.

This is a comprehensive guide to using your decorative stitches on your sewing machine. All brands and models of machines can make beautiful textural appliqué. 

Come along with me as I share step by step the whole process in beautiful photos and text.

Become a decorative stitch artist too.

Please visit the web site to order your copy now for immediate delivery.

USA, Asia and Europe please see your local quilt store for your copy. 

Coming soon 

Miss Molly's Flower Garden skill building book and full size pattern sheets will be released very soon so watch this space.

Happy Quilting 

X Deb and Miss Molly 


Monday, 28 February 2022

Machine Magic due in the country next month

 Hi Friends,

I hope this finds you well.

The craziness of Covid, wars and floods are all headlines and angst around the world. The dread of uncertainty lingers with us all. So I sincerely wish that your stitching carries your heart, mind and soul  through these uncertain times.

Teaching has started up thankfully for me again. Then last week my husband John contracted Covid from his place of employment so isolation for us both. I am so thankful I stayed negative and well. He is fine now.

My deepest apologies to the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday once a month skill building classes a My Sewing Supplies at Sylvania that had to be cancelled. We were all excited to be together again, doing what we love to do  but it was not to be ... Im sorry. March will come around quickly.

Machine Magic my book with C & T Publishing house is due into Australia late March. I will have it for sale here on my web site . This stunning book is filled with decorative stitch applique to get the very best from your sewing machine.  It will also be available through quilt stores. Maybe ask your local quilt shop to pre order from Search Press or Ascot Lane.

I have taught so far this year at Sew Can I Werrington , Berry Quilt and Co and at Hobby Sew Kings Park where we had wonderful days. Here are some photos I managed to take and thank you Sharon also for taking some of work achieve over the holidays and last year.

I love that Kim takes elements from my designs and places them around panels that her Grandchildren adore and makes unique quilts with. Quilting between the lines by Jan ( grid Free Motion Quilting)  Excellence has been achieved in the Magenta and blue quilt. Ari making Miss Molly"s flower Garden and looks beautiful, Brenda and Debbie with Daisy Paths, Julie and Jenny started Let's Go Go Go boys quilt. They are both excited about making this quilt . Details below for the link to the web site to purchase this fun book and pattern sheets . Carolyn making the trapunto quilt and Robyn making Machine magic flowers.

Sensational work ladies.  I have managed to get the groove back to several people who understandable have lost their sewing mojo. Let's do this girls....... Happy Days ahead....

This is Let's Go Go Go my latest skill building book. A machine applique QAYG project. 
The book comes complete with 10 x A3 double sided pages of pattern sheets all ready for fusing your raw edge shapes. All machine quilting , preparation and applique stitching techniques are step by step given in great detail for you . The second print run is being printed now so a huge success. 
Link here for you. 

Here is the link to Machine Magic to keep till in stock.

Stay well, stay safe my friends 
Happy Quilting 

XX Deb and Miss Molly and Cousin Pip 

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

New Book Let's Go Go Go ......

 Im thrilled to share with you my latest skill building book Let's Go Go Go ....... this is now available on my web site.

 There are  3 projects in the book, the quilt, wall hanging and cushion. Full size pattern sheets accompany the book ready to be traced for the fusible applique. 

The quilt is QAYG ( quilt as you go technique) is something I don't normally do but have had requests. 
Well I had to do it differently from others and Im thrilled with the result. Very different and looks amazing.

All techniques I show in photos and there will be YOUTUBE tutorials soon uploaded on how to go about making this delightful Childs quilt.

Stitching is with 50 weight cotton threads. Some simple decorative stitches which are found on most machines including medium blanket stitch, triple stitch, over lock stitch, star stitch and a few more have been used to cover the raw edging. 

I could not resist this photo with a near by yellow ( my favourite colour) sporty car as a backdrop.

Every aspect of appliquéing, quilting, joining and finishing the projects is shown step by step in great detail.

One of the fun blocks from the quilt version of Let's Go Go Go .....

Miss Molly loves these quilts too...

Here is the link to this fun, one of a kind quilt you will love making. A heirloom quilt for a very special young person in your life perhaps .

Out now in a few quilt stores also and on my web site 
Wholesale orders to stores now available.Please email Deborah directly. 

I am back again teaching face to face classes...
Yippee. I have missed you all. 
Here is the link to my updated teaching schedule .
Come join me for a speciality workshop or a once a month skill building class .

Im now a Nanna of the most precious baby girl Tahlia. What a joy being a grandparent is. 

Happy Days 

  Happy Quilting
Take care 
X Deb and Miss Molly 

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Time to think about 2022 classes.

 Hi I hope this finds you well.

I have had enough of this at staying at home business quilting on my own . Let's get back to it I say.!!!! Back to teaching, back to the wonderful company, back to beautiful quilt shops, back to learning, back to us all being inspired. 

Yes I have been very productive but I miss teaching, miss the chats, miss the challenges, miss the company , miss you my lovely students.

Love to have you join me ,  here is where I am teaching my once a month classes. 

My skill building , get to know your machine, make any of my projects, learn machine quilting once a month classes in and around Sydney are as follows:

* Sew Can I  at Werrington

First Monday of the month 


*Berry Quilt and Co at Berry

Third Tuesday of the month

Sharon ,

*Kings Park Hobby Sew  

Third Friday of the month (generally) 

Email me Deborah or 

* My Sewing Supplies Sylvania  

Fourth Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of the Month 

Bernadette ,

Come and join the fun, the learning and the company...... 

Please contact the shop directly except for the Hobby Sew class please contact me , Deborah. 

For more teaching locations, retreats, symposiums , please visit my web site

Happy Quilting 

X Deb and Miss Molly