Monday 13 February 2012

Requests to view some of my quilting

I had a few requests lately to see detail of some of my qulting.
Im never sure if any one is out there reading this so I enjoy feed back .

Ill try and write more and share more.....
The first photo is a new class this year Coloured flowers , leaves and feathers .
The flowers and free motion quilted in black cotton thread with white background filler of echoing and shells, a pattern I love to quilt it flows so pretty around the soft shapes.
This class is running at AQC in Melbourne in April,This and That patchwork in Brisbane  Queensland in March , Blueberries at  Wyong in July, Hobby Sew kings Park in September., and Taupo NZ in 2013.
Also a new class A day of background fillers . If you have been Free motion quilting and want more inspiration and  patterns this one is a great class. Ran it in Melbourne for the first time last week and it was recieved fantastically. Available in AQC Melbourne April, Blueberries in May, Addicted to fabric Canberra June .


jennyg said...

I love seeing your work it gives me an incentive to try harder.

vicki said...

Thankyou for sharing. I look forward in receiving your emails.

Karen said...

This looks lovely, too. Is there no end to your amazing talent?

KrisR said...

Please post more examples! I love looking at your work. I'm booked in for your 2 day at Steph's later this year - can't wait.