Sunday 19 January 2014

just do it ....

Yep thats what Im told by so many quilters whom i admire ... JUST DO IT .....DO THE WORK.....

okay , okay ....... I get it ......
I was feeling at a loss on thursday wondering what I was going to stitch next .
All i want to do it stay at home and sew I tell myself and now at the moment I have a week at home where I can do this get on with it ....Deborah .......
The project from the last post I cant progress with any more quilting till I get a delivery of templates so thats on hold.
Then Nancy Crow 's voice came through load and clear.... Just do it , just do the work, it doesnt matter what you do just get on and stitch..........
So I grabbed my bags of plain dyes,  got the iron out, turned on the sewing machine and I started.       I had no idea of what I was going to end up with, but here I go .....Jumping right in there ......

First was a turqoise square centre 
Then I added some colours, the dark is not black its a really dark indigo blue/navy.

Okay looking fair so far lets keep going.
More strips added. All of this is free form cutting and piecing, no rulers, just cut and sew.

Yep starting to like this. Now I made a bit of a plan of attack. Navy around off centre block , strip down the side and bottom strips 

I finished this late afternoon and got up early this morning I couldnt wait to get on with it..

Funny 2 days ago it was all woh is me .... now inspired again,, cant wait to do another one ...
 Yes they are right , OF COURSE THEY ARE........ just do it ,,, yes get on the machine and sew......

I really like it . Works for me . 

Great , now for tomorrow 's exercize ......

The plan is to have a series of small quilts these are approximately 90 x 120 cms in size. The size of my portable design boards actually. This makes it easy and quilt to quilt too. Anything that I really want to explore further I can make larger later.

Lots of plain areas tpo quilt which is great , but Ill keep making tops for a while then quilt when Im all set up  in the new house ( 11 sleeps to go ) 

I think Ill work with this centre medallion theme for a while I like it and see what I can develope.
Hope  this might interest some of my once a month classes ladies to explore there free form quilting souls?. You never know ! Classes start again soon ... Yippee!! Looking forward to seeing all of the ladies again, 
Thanks again for listening .....
Happy Quilting 


Anonymous said...

Looks great, Deb. Can't wait to give it a go.

debsway said...

Wow, looks great Deb, isn't it funny how we struggle for inspiration when we have the time to quilt, but we always find the inspiration when we don't have the time to sew!!!!!

Rebecca said...

Really like this one Deb.